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Obituaries 2 | GARN YAM | |
Mr. Charles H. Wilson Followers of hounds in all parts of the north of England will learn with regret of the passing of Mr. Charles Henry Wilson, at his residence on Monday morning. Born in December 1846 Mr. Wilson was the third son of Mr and Mrs. William Wilson of Rigmaden Park, Kirby Lonsdale. He has lived at Oxenholme house, which he built, for over thirty years and prior to that resided with his brother Mr. William Wilson at High Park. Mr Wilson had only been in failing health for about a month and prior to that enjoyed good health. Hunting was his all-absorbing hobby and for fifty years he was master of the Oxenholme staghounds. The death on 21st January of Mr. John Rigg a lifelong friend of his came as a great shock to him and he was deeply affected. Mr. Wilson was a bachelor and is survived by one sister, a Mrs Anderson of London. As a gentleman rider in his early days, Mr Wilson was a regular attendee at all the North Country meetings under the National hunt rules and met with a fair amount of success winning a number of hunt cups. His association with the Oxenholme hunt is the most interesting phase in Mr Wilson’s life. He first became master of the then harriers in 1878 when his brother Mr. Christopher Wilson resigned the mastership but he had been associated with the Hunt prior to that date. The late Mr. W. Winkfield found new kennels and in November 1878 the hounds moved to Endmoor with Dick Jackson (Hunty Dick) as kennel huntsman. The hunt flourished under Mr. Wilson’s care and in 18..? The members showed their gratitude to the master by presenting him with a silver horn. In 1885 hares became scarce and hounds turned to deer. From 1884 to 1894 they hunted hare and stag on alternate days but in November 1894 the Oxenholme staghounds came into being and the harrier’s career ended. A change had also to be made in the hounds, mounted followers found it impossible to keep pace with the harrier hounds so the black and tan bloodhound cross was introduced. Mr. Wilson also brought in several couples of Welsh hounds, which had both tongue and stamina. Long points of fifteen to twenty miles were frequent under Mr. Wilson’s mastership. He continued as master of the hunt until 1918 and during the whole period of his mastership Dick Jackson was kennel huntsman and Billy Hully first whip. The latter being with him at the time of his death. Apart from his riding abilities Mr. Wilson was a very successful exhibitor of hunters in the show ring. Some of his horses Blue Stocking, Jacksprall and Bounce rarely left the rig without the judge’s card upon them. Mr. Wilson was the oldest member of the Kendal Otterhounds with which he was associated upto the time of his death. He was a good shot and upto the end retained three spaniels and his favourite collie. He rode his mare on the day before he took to his bed. Mr. Wilson took no part in the public life of Westmorland but never the less he had a keen sense of business and could express himself forcibly when necessary. He was a Conservative of the old school and one of his many regrets was the rapidly changing England. The personification of a “fine old English gentleman”. Mr Wilson’s death will be regretted throughout the county. Westmorland Gazette 12th March 1927 * * * On Thursday 14th April at Natland, Mr. Thomas Carradice aged 69 years. DEATH OF AN OLD HUNTSMAN On Thursday week there died at Natland, near Kendal, Thomas Carradice, at the advanced age of 69 years. Better known by his more popular name of 'Old Tom', he was born and had lived all his long life within cock-crow of Natland village green. His father had lived there before him, and it is quite likely that the Carradices are descendants of the old potters of Natland. Anyhow, the family is as well-known in that village and the surrounding district as the church clock, or even the old place of worship itself. The subject of this notice was a basket maker by trade, but being fonder of field sports than of the work room, the latter saw little of him. In summer Tom Carradice could be more easily found by the riverside than at home; and in winter, wherever there was a hunt, Tom was certain to be. At a comparatively middle age, Carradice was very popular with the rising generation of sportsmen. He was as fond of a hound as he was of his fishing rod, and when the present Lord Petrie (then Squire Petrie) was learning farming under the late Mr. Ellison, at Sizergh, formed a small pack of harriers, Carradice was appointed the huntsman. For the short period the future lord remained in this district the pack was efficiently handled and looked after by Carradice. The acquaintanceship thus formed between the master and the servant has been continued ever since, and at times the latter was reminded of of old times by receiving from Lord Petrie a letter containing something to cheer an old man in his declining years. Some years after the dispersion of "Squire Petrie's gallant little eight", as the local rhymester sang, their whilom huntsman was engaged in a similar capacity to the Oxenholme harriers. The late Mr. W. Wilson, father to the present master, was the owner of the hounds in those days, and for a long period of years Carradice continued to show good sport. In those early years of the Oxenholme Harriers there were no advertised meets, and the hounds were chiefly followed on foot. Hunting in this district was not so popular a pastime as it appears to be now. The farmers, perhaps, turned out as puss was seen running across their fields, and the music of the pack in pursuit was quite sufficient to make them neglect their work for one day at least. But there were few townspeople to break down the fences or gallop across a "piece of seeds" as is the case too often at the present time. It was not until failing years incapacitated him from the task that Carradice gave up his position over the much-beloved harriers. During the something like 20 years he acted as huntsman, jogging along always on foot he was never far away when the kill was effected. Doubtless a capital follower of the hounds, but the rare knowledge of the countryside he was possessed of enabled him to judge the route puss would take, and thus he generally made a "bee line" according to the sound of the hounds, or as his judgment directed. The reason he adduced for the supposed scarcity of trout and salmon in recent years was the formation of angling associations and similar institutions. He was opposed to all protection, and felt bitterly the imposition of 2s 6d licence for trout fishing. But he, like many others, paid and grumbled and fished away as he had done for more than half a century. Of late years Tom Carradice has been sadly afflicted with rheumatism. He was evidently a believer in the cold water cure, for so soon as fishing came in he might be seen up to his knees in the river flogging away in the pretty little streams above Hawes Bridge. But Tom has thrown his final bait and basketed his last trout, and followed his old friend the well-known fishing rod maker, Matey Bell, to his long home. Happily his end was a peaceful one, for he died quietly in his chair on Thursday week. Two or three days previously he had been at the river side, but even then he was full of complaint. The keen east winds pierced his poor old bones and brought all his weaknesses. The interment took place in Natland Churchyard on Sunday last, and there were many who attended his funeral out of respect to one of the smartest and keenest sportsmen this portion of Westmorland has ever known. * * * A Kendal Cockfighter Kendal lost one of its former well-known characters on Sunday by the death of Mr Thomas Hill, at 3, Fountain Brow. Though he had reached the age of 89 - he would have been 90 - had he lived till July - he had only been confined to his bed three weeks, and it was thought even then that his comparatively strong and robust constitution would pull him round. His wife died in 1907 and he had lived to see the demise of six of his nine children. The three children of the deceased living are Mrs Turner of Fellside. Mrs Bailiff of Burnley and Mr Thomas Hill. Mr Thomas Hill was a through sportsman all his life, and by his death a link is severed with the old sports of other days. After his work, he lived for sport and it assist was always his desire to enjoy himself and at the same time to assist in the pleasure of others. As a keeper of gamecocks he was known throughout the district in the days when “Brushy” Dixon, “Bobby” Troughton the Wilkinson's of Lyth were such well-known followers of the sport. Thomas Hill was seldom missing from the arena. It was a source of delight to him to related experiences and many a good laugh was enjoyed over an incident which occurred at a cockfight arranged to take place at Cunswick when he was a lad, and before the prohibition 1849. The fun had not begun when the police came upon the scene and confiscated all cocks, it being alleged that the promoters of the match were trespassing. The police retained all the birds, and the subsequent proceedings cause much amusement in the town. The constable called upon the owners to collect their birds. This they refused to do, as they contended that the police, having taken them away, were the fit and proper persons to return to the owners. What eventually transpired is not now quite clear. But it seems that the case was heard in the police court, the owners of the birds had a lawyer from Lancaster to state their case, and amidst much enthusiasm the owners won the day. Equally entertaining were the stories which Tommy Hill told about the fights at Sizergh. He was always a well-known figure at the Kendal races. It was, however not only as a cockfighter that Tommy Hill was so popular, he was exceedingly fond of greyhound coursing along with his father-in-law (a Mr. Robinson) who was employed as a foreman for Messers Whinnerah, at Kendal) possessed one of the finest dogs in the country, which invariably won stakes wherever it was entered. He was the poultry fancier all his life and never missed a single exhibition at Kendal up to a year before last. The special breeds he fancied in his younger days were the black Spanish and the Milorca when these two breeds were so popular 55 years ago Tommy carried away many prizes and the shows held at the Albert Building in Beezon Lane had a particular fascination for him probably because he figured so conspicuously in the prize list. The first poultry showing Kendal was held in the national school 70 years ago one of the spectators was Tommy Hill, and he decided there and then that he would take a fancy and his subsequent success with birds proved that his confidence was not misplaced. Though such a busy man in the feathered world Tommy found time for other hobbies, including rabbiting. Otter hunting also claimed his attention. His last hunt being undertaken when he was nearly 80 years of age. In truth, Thomas Hill was a busy man far busier than men of the present age appear to be. By trade he was a builder, and carried on business in the yard in Strickland gate. From that business he retired but it was not until he had reached mature age of 75. In politics he was a staunch old Tory, and was one of the oldest members of the Kendal Habitation of the Primrose League and the Kendal Conservative Club. Whatever happened his political opinions never faltered, and the present-day fencing proved his mind that “they had all gone mad.” He was a keen Orangemen and took part in several guilds at Preston. He also interested himself in the Kendal Rugby Football Club, being associated with the organisation in the balmy days of the “Hornets”, and was a member of the committee. Whether at home or away Tommy never deserted the team and did a lot of hard work for them for many years. He took a great interest in bow the curtains ls and was an accomplished player. Only a few years ago he, along with Mr Robert Haresnape, aged 90, played a game of 21 up on the subscription green. The funeral took place at Parkside cemetery on Wednesday afternoon, the blinds of the Conservative Club being drawn. There was a large gathering of sympathisers in the officiating minister was the Rev E.W. Russell, curate in charge of all Hallows Church. Mr Gilbert little represented the Conservative club the Mr Howard Garnett the Primrose league. Wreathes were sent from both organisations. Westmorland Gazette 19th February 1921 |
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