More On The Greyhound Fox
"Fierce as a tiger, and long as a hay-band, and with an amiable cast
of features very like the Chancellor of the Exchequer," is very bad to
kill 'top o' t' ground,' and still worse when he gets into a burn
Jackson Gillbanks 1870
Material reproduced on this thread is reproduced directly from the
source used. Any assumption that the fox concerned is of the greyhound type
other than where stated, is mine and mine alone.
On 25th November 1809 a fox was caught after a hard run of three hours by
the Haydon Hunt, it was stuffed and mounted in a case by followers of the
hunt to record the event (see photograph). Is this an example of a
“greyhound fox”?
Fell foxes a century or more ago were much more wary than the foxes of today
who see so many walkers on the hills the whole year round. After the first
World War large areas of land on the lower fell sides were planted with
extensive areas of conifers, many foxes moved from the high ground to seek
shelter in the warmer woodland.
In the late nineteenth century the rangy native foxes were described as
being‘big, long on the leg,
lean, greyer in colour and very fit’. They were christened ‘greyhound’
foxes and often weighed in excess of 20lbs and could measure up to 5ft from
tip of nose to tip of tail. Many a dog fox tipped the scale at 19lbs in the
1800s and early 1900s. Ordinarily an average red-dog fox weighs about 15lbs
and slightly less for vixens. Even today Lakeland foxes can be bigger than
the average low ground fox. Records are patchy but these fine specimens were
found high up on the fells and said to more resemble a small wolf. An
excerpt taken from a very old newspaper dated November 1st 1844 describes a
"On Wednesday week a fine greyhound fox was started from his hiding
place on the mountain Dodd, near Keswick, and after a gallant run of
about one hour, by the hounds belonging to Mr. Crozier, of Riddings, the
wily animal fell a prey to his pursuers in Skiddaw Forest, where he had
in vain sought shelter from his implacable enemies."
It appears at times there were few foxes on the high fell as this extract
from the memory of “Fusedale” written in March 1910 shows. He is writing
about a hunt with the Bald Howe pack prior to their amalgamation with the
Patterdale Foxhounds in 1873. This piece shows the scarcity of foxes on that
day at least.
“I remember Joe Dawson, myself, and two or three others leaving Howtown
one fine morning to loose at Dale Head, Martindale. After trying Beda we
went to Heck and Buck Crags, in Bannerdale, over Rest Dod to Rampskin
Head, over High Street, by way of Fox Bields, to Thresthwaite Mouth.
There we struck our first line, but little could be made of it, so we
tried through Thornthwaite Crag to Park Quarries in the Vale of
Troutbeck, over Ill Bell to Rainsbarrow in Kentmere, back by Longmire
End to Nan Beild, through Blea Water Crags, over Longstile to Riggindale
and ended without a find at Kidsty Pike. There we left our Martindale
friends and went to Mardale to hunt the following day.”
Westmorland Gazette 26th March 1910
The distance covered by a fell fox in the course of one night is quite
astounding as the following report shows.
Once the same pack (The Coniston) took a line by Rydal Park wall and
carried it over High Pike up to Hart Crag and down the ridge on the
other side into Hartsop, unkennelling in Low Wood on the hillside above
Brothers Water. Another time they found a drag in Skelghyll Woods above
Dove’s Nest, persevering with it up the whole length of the Troutbeck
valley and out at the top over Threshthwaite Mouth. About a mile on the
other side of the wall the fox got up, escaping after a short but very
exciting chase into the fastness of Broad Howe. The distance covered by
these hounds must be little less than ten miles, enough perhaps to
constitute a record.
From “Fox Hunting in The Fells” by the Rev E. M. Reynolds
M.F.H., Published in The Lake Counties by W.G. Collingwood 1902
The Saddleback, or more properly the Blencathra range, has no cover for
a fox except the rocks, a little ling, and a few juniper bushes among
the heather. The base of Skiddaw, including the Dodd and the Barfe, is
best covered with larch and whins. The Castlerigg, Borrowdale, and
Armboth Fells have good covers of oak and hazel, but the fox prefers
keeping to the rocks rather than the woods, and they generally drag up
to him rather than chase him.
Saddle and Sirloin by The Druid 1870
Once unkennelled these foxes could run a considerable distance, here are two
newspaper reports of hunts, the first of 100 miles and the second of 50
miles, the use of an Ordinance Survey map will give a better understanding
of the distance and terrain involved.
The Coniston Subscription hounds threw off on Holme Fell, about two
miles from Coniston. Only seventeen dogs were uncoupled, all however, of
the right sort, and in condition to run for a man’s life. They quickly
hit on a drag, and “Reynard” no doubt hearing them, stole away, and so
got, it is conjectured, three quarter of an hour’s start before they
dragged up to his resting-place. They then settled on a line of scent,
at a rattling pace around the fell to the Yew-trees, and across the
country to The Tarns, near Hawkshead. He had been going upwind for this
three to four miles, and turned back over High Cross, past the Lake
residence of Mr. Marshall, and on to Yewdale Crag. The ascent is long,
steep, and one of the roughest amongst the northern fells, from the
great quantity of loose stones on the sides of the hill. When out on top
, it is probable Reynard thought he would bid a final adieu to his
pursuers. He proceeded right on end over a long tract of moor and hill
to near Black-Hall, the highest house in Seathwaite. Here he made a
round and steered back to Tilberthwaite mines, above Coniston, turned
again and boldly ascended Tilberthwaite High Fell, which he crossed, and
over a long tract of country to Wrynose, a steep mountain pass well
known to tourists between Eskdale and Langdale. On Wrynose he laid down
amongst some furze, and a second glorious unkennel took place. The hunt
had continued without a check, for fully thirty miles over some of the
roughest hilly country of the north, and went on at a great pace by
Red-tarn to the foot of Bowfell, with one or two exceptions, the highest
mountain in England. All the hardy footmen of Coniston were “tailed
off”. Reynard fearlessly ascended the mighty hill and crossed some
little distance from the summit, then by the Stake at the head of
Langdale and into Borrowdale. A few shepherds from Langdale followed and
were joined by some Borrowdale men. After a round, the gallant fox took
Butterlikeld High-fell and all were “tailed off” again.
Then by Esk
Hause over Scafell, upwards of 3000 feet above the sea, to Wasdale Head.
This dale with Mosedale-bottom is a flat of between four or five hundred
acres, surrounded on three sides by the highest hills, Scafell,
Lingmell, Kirkfell and Great Gable. They made several rounds on the
hillsides, and three dogs got crag fast on Scafell. The chase had lasted
for six hours and it was getting dark. Again the gallant fox faced the
hills over Sty Head, some twelve miles of fearful ground to go over. The
chase was, however, not near over. Leaving Wastdale the hounds were
heard through Copeland Forest, Gillerthwaite, and to Ennerdale Lake.
They ran clear round the lake. It was night, and the residents on its
borders could not join, but listened with pleasure and surprise to the
cry of the dogs awakening the echoes of the hills. About nine o’clock,
the inhabitants of the secluded dale of Wastdale, about retiring to
rest, were startled by the cry of the hounds coming in from Ennerdale.
They could of course make nothing out by following them, but judged by
the still cheerful cry of the hounds that they went through the valley
and headed away by the long mountainous pass of Sty Head for Borrowdale.
On such a calm night the deep tone of the foxhound was heard amongst the
hills at a great distance. The Ritsons and others listened delighted
awhile, till their practiced ears were greeted three different times
with the sharp savage bark of the dogs, a sure indication that they were
viewing. There was no further sound heard. Perfect stillness reigned
over hill and valley. Next day some of the dogs wandered into Wastdale,
bit about the face and bloody, showing that the death fight had taken
place between them and the stoutest fox remembered in the north. A young
man named Burns and the Ritsons the day following recovered the
crag-fast dogs by lowering the former down the rocks with ropes.
None, but those accustomed to rescue sheep would have attempted such a
hazardous feat as to be swung down the rocks to a narrow ledge and from
the dizzy height several hundred feet of clear space beneath. The
huntsman arrived next day at Wastdale, and all the dogs were got
together except one. This, worn out, and nearly dead, did not arrive at
Coniston til the end of the week. This small pack, hardly ever over
twenty has long been famed for speed, stoutness and acute nose. Twelve
years ago they killed twenty-eight foxes in twenty-nine consecutive
unkennel. We much doubt if any other pack in the kingdom has done the
same, and what other dogs could have run the chase we have attempted to
describe-certainly not less than 100 miles across a terrific country,
with only a single check in Wastdale for eight or ten minutes.
On Wednesday morning the sportsmen and hounds (The Coniston)
again turned out in search of a fox, and soon found one in Storrs
allotment. Reynard soon bolted after hearing the voices of the
challenging dogs, and shifted his quarters in double quick time, to make
south for Fox hole Bank in Crosthwaite. He then shaped his course
westward to pay Mr. Birkett, of Birkett House, a visit, but being hard
pushed, he ran to Rosthwaite, thence north to Merslake, where the
hunters viewed him, and afterwards by Low Lindeth, Birthwaite, and down
to Calgarth Farm. The fox then turned back by Troutbeck Bridge, Elleray,
and Holehird unto Borrans, on the borders of Hugill. Here he turned
north and made for the head of Kentmere park, thence by Froswick, Blue
Ghyll, and round by Thresthwaite Mouth to Red Screes, above Kirkstone
Tavern. Here he turned back over Cowdale Fell, and to Kentmere
High-street. Being here hard pushed by the staunce dogs, he crossed
Blea-Water Crag at the head of Mardale, and made through Martindale
Forest to Angle Tarn, one of the numerous feeders of Ullswater. Here he
was forced to give up and yield to his numerous pursuers, after a
continuous chase of above five hours and a run at a moderate estimate of
fifty miles. Mr. John Gelderd of Patterdale, who was near the place
where the finale of this gallant hunt took place, immediately after the
fox was killed cut off one of his ears which he fastened round the neck
of a hound with a memorandum, stating when and where poor reynard gave
his last squeak. This is one of the most splendid runs within the memory
of anyone in this neighbourhood, and will be long remembered by the
gallant Nimrod’s who participated in it.
Westmorland Gazette 16th January 1847
(John Gelderd was Master of the Patterdale foxhounds and also had his own
pack of beagles; he was the nephew of Anthony Gaskarth who founded the
Coniston hounds in 1825.)
In the early years of the twentieth century lowland foxes greatly increased
in number and subsequently there was a further influx as banished incomers
arrived in the fells in search of fresh territory. The foxes of today have
very different habits to those a century ago.
As fox numbers greatly increased, they seemed more reluctant to leave the
valley in which they were found, rarely running the great distances recorded
by huntsman of times past. There are several records of foxes being chased
for most of the day round a large wood or block of forestry without making
any attempt to leave it. In fact I have memories of days spent in the
plantations above Hawkshead huddled against a wall out of the biting wind
and rain showers when exactly this happened. It reached the point where we
stopped going to any meet with likelihood of this happening. "We’ll go with
the Ulswatter tomorrow," said my father at dinner time. "Cunistan, are at
Hawkshead, "be running round in the forestry all day, see nowt."
“Chappie” in his book Hark Forrard, says that foxes (the “newer
sort”) seemed to like the forestry and “cubbed” on the surface, as it was
sheltered, warm and dry and there could be a large number of foxes in a
small area.
Even so there were occasional accounts for many years; ordinarily the
average red-dog fox weighs about 15lbs and slightly less for vixens. Still
today Lakeland foxes can be bigger than the average low ground fox. Records
are sketchy but there are reports of foxes being killed that were much
larger than average and it was not unusual to still find foxes weighing over
Tuesday, being a general holiday amongst the apprentices of Ambleside,
it was arranged to give them the opportunity of a hunt, of which a great
many availed themselves, Skelghyll Woods being the fixture at 7 am.
Unmistakeable evidence was given of Reynard’s wanderings on Wansfell
Pike, by the excellent drag which was taken to the Hundreds Pastures,
and over Kirkstone and Troutbeck road, through Herd Wood, into Swine
Close, over the river Troutbeck to Park Tongue, to opposite Park
Quarries, where they descended and crossed as if going for Hill Bell but
turning left pointed for Broad How. The twisting and turnings about of
Reynard in all directions put the hounds almost at their wits end
almost, before they could with confidence work the end to Blue Ghyll and
over Hill Bell to Kentmere side, where the game was awakened from his
slumber, to risk a run for his dear life. Taking a straight course down
the hill, he crossed the end of Kentmere Reservoir, the hounds taking to
the water like otter hounds. Cleaver threw himself forward up the hill,
hit on the line on the road leading to Nan Bield Pass, all the hounds
seemed to be laying themselves on for a chase, Harter Fell and Sleddale
appearing to be their point. But making a turn, they came for Kentmere
Tongue and through that fastness. The fox pushed forward for
Rainsbarrow, to the summit of which he almost ascended, but turning to
the right he took through the Cragg and the Screes, over Hill Bell to
Blue Ghyll Foot, no doubt thinking to benefit himself by running the dry
shingle, and rough ground. He then betook himself out to the top of
Froswick, and to Thornthwaite Monument and down Threshett, as though for
Caudle Moor, but meeting with opposition from many wandering hunters; he
turned and sought refuge in Broad how, but alas, he was once more
frustrated in his wily designs by the faithful watchers stationed there,
who tally-ho’d him back by Black Borran to Threshett Cragg, where,
feeling himself worn out he tried a benk; but short was his rest. The
hounds running yet strong, forced him out and viewed him to Raven Cragg
in Low Hartsop, wherein he crept to save himself from his relentless
pursuers. But the time was of short duration before Jim arrived with a
new enemy, Twig, the famous terrier, who forthwith commenced battle,
which lasted twenty minuites, when, with assistance, Jim crept in and
drew Reynard out, amidst loud cheers. When scaled at Joe Brownrigg’s,
Kirkstone Foot, he drew 18lbs and measured four feet in length, being
the largest fox killed in the Lake District for many years. Amongst the
hunters were Mr. J. Rigg, Mr. J. Logan, Low Wood, and the master, Mr,
Westmorland Gazette 10th November 1883
The following story illustrates not only the size of Lakeland foxes but
gives an insight into hunting politics of the time.
On Saturday, the 12th inst, the Eskdale pack met at the homestead of
that well-known foxhunter, Mr. W. Woodend, of Nook End, Ambleside, under
the charge of Anthony Chapman, “Tommy” having gone over to Eskdale for
some hounds which had been left behind. Going through the High Pike
breast they hit upon a drag, and took it through, underneath Dove Cragg,
and by Lon Cragg end, through the Houndshope Cove over Hart Cragg, to
Fairfield. Going down the top towards Rydal, they unkennelled him in
Stone Cove. Driving him out, by the top of Fairfield, they took him in
by Caugha Pike, sown to the shilloe beds to Grisedale Tarn. Leaving
Willy Wife’s Moor on the left, they went over the top of Dolly Wagon
Pike, and turned in towards Wythburn, along the fell above the mines to
Long Cragg, then by Helvellyn Cove, Swirrel Edge to Bleaberry Edge in
Grisedale, where he went to ground, after a run of nearly two hours
duration. Messrs. W. Wood, sen T. Jackson, G. Hogarth, Anthony Chapman,
and his son Tom were speedily on the spot, and the terriers were put
into the borran. They began marking him immediately, but he refused to
bolt, and after a severe fight, the terriers killed him. “Anthony” went
to Braesteads Farm, about a mile distant for help. Returning
Mr. Leek, and the necessary tools, operations were at once commenced,
carried on til dusk, three terriers being left in overnight. The hunters
then adjourned to Mr. Leek’s, where both hunters and hounds were most
hospitably entertained, Anthony and the hounds remaining all night. Work
was resumed in the morning, and continued during the day. The terriers
were got out about two o’clock in the afternoon. Grip and Crag were
severely mauled about the head, and Pitcher the head and forelegs, and
it is feared he will loose the sight of one eye. Work was continued
until 6 pm, when it was decided owing to the great depth of the borran,
to give up trying to recover the body of the fox, which from the nature
of the injuries to the terriers, must have been above the average
Kendal and County News 19th April 1890
There must have been some problem with acceptance of the conclusion of the
hunt as the following appears in the next week's issue.
The fact that these hounds having killed underneath Striding Edge on
Saturday 12 th inst, as reported in our last being doubted in some
quarters, Anthony Chapman accompanied by Messrs. H. Dugdale, J. Townson,
E. Forsyth, William Woodend, D. Hodgson, T. Fox and G. Fleming who
walked “Pincher” the terrier so badly bitten about whose recovery there
is some doubt, met in the early part of the week and carried the
necessary tools over Grisedale Pass to Bleaberry Crag to try to recover
the dead fox. Upon reaching the place, Dugdale’s terrier “Whisky” began
marking almost immediately and continued to do so until the fox was got
out by “Anthony” about half past twelve after three hours hard work. He
proved to be a fine dog fox of eighteen and a half pounds weight after
being dead a week, so that when living he must have been considerably
over twenty pounds. This is the third fox killed by these hounds during
their visit to Ambleside and neighbourhood.
Kendal and County News 26th April 1890
The biggest fox killed by Joe Bowman was in 1923. It weighed 24lbs and
measured 54 inches from the tip of his nose to the end of his brush. He also
recorded a 20lb silver-grey fox having been killed on Nethermost Pike in
February 1916 along with the comment that'it
was of a species nearly extinct nowadays’.
In 1934 the Ullswater hounds accounted for another, which was said to be one
of the ‘greyhound’ foxes. In the 1960s a huge fox was killed by Joe Wear,
which apparently was entered in the Guinness Book of Records at that time as
being the largest fox to be officially recorded.
The Coniston pack killed a fox in 1929 described as being‘an
old dog fox weighing 24lbs’and
another in January 1946 at Nibthwaite, which weighed 20lbs. They had
previously accounted for a vixen weighing 17.5lbs in the Cartmell Fell area
the year before.
Also in 1946 the Blencathra caught a dog fox weighing 20lbs. Anthony Chapman
killed another large fox in the Coniston country in January 1957. It weighed
21lbs and could well have been a throwback to the old greyhound foxes.
THE LUNESDALE- After meeting at Howgill last Thursday hounds put up a
fox at Bleasefell and raced it down to Carlingill before bolting it from
a borran and rolling over a fine dog fox. On Saturday, from Dent,
another big fellow of over 20lbs was killed in Barbon Manor after
traversing Dent and Leck Fells. TALISMAN
Westmorland Gazette 20th March 1948
Even as late as 1980 it was reported that Maurice Bell with his Wensleydale
pack hunting on the edge of the Lunesdale country had caught a fox weighing
An interesting piece from The Glasgow Herald concerning the Eglinton Hounds.
Returning to lower country, the hounds were drawing a little strip of
woodland near the hamlet of Auchmillian when a big grey fox was seen to
slip quietly away. He must have been a moorland fox for he at once set
his mask for the Auchmannoch Moors with the pack in full cry and the
horses going hard to live with them. So from wood to wood the hunt went
on til breaking from the long coverts that stripe the stubble lands at
Auchenbrain, hounds were leading on up the long slopes at Meadowhead
when huntsman and whips galloped to their heads and stopped them as they
got near the fringe of the red moorlands across which loomed up the bare
remote hill of Distincthorn. KNOCKJARDE
Glasgow Herald 24th November 1955
And finally from a Hunting Forum November 2010:
Whilst dung spreading last week, I saw a fox looking for worms, thought
nothing of it, looked like an ordinary fox until it turned away. Head
and top of its back (down the spine) were the normal red colour, but
sides and brush were steel gray.
Perhaps from time to time the old genes make an appearance who can say.
Reynard appears to have been originally divided into three distinct
sorts, the greyhound, the bulldog, and the cur-fox. The first is the
wildest, stoutest, and fleetest, and is found in wild and mountainous
districts. It is the indigenous species, and the best; hard to find,
harder still to kill. Though now fast becoming extinct, he frequently
leads the hounds many a mile up-hill and down dale, from dawn till dusk,
ere his funeral chime is rung.............. The French fox has a long
narrow head, rather long in the leg, and is not so bright in colour as
our English fox. Russian foxes are blacker than ours, and shaggy in
coat. Canadian foxes are very like ours. German foxes are grey in
muzzle, more bluff and bullhead. Holland foxes are lengthy, with ears
like donkeys, and thick brushes. So with all this variety of foreigners,
which of course get intermixed, it is difficult to say what description
of animal we really have now, and well might an eminent M.F.H. exclaim,
that foxes are sadly changed now, and that there are few stout and
straight foxes to be found."
Horn And Hound in Wales and some adjoining Counties, Edwin
Wathen Price. Pub. Daniel Owen and Company, Limited. Undated but
believed to be 1895. pp 45-46